Make a donation!

Total to date: $413,235.33

Objective: $200,000

Brian Bringolf / $3,600.00
For my mom (Hi Moozie) who I miss every day, for Kevin. M (giddyup), Eddie L, Paul Snyder, the amazing Tre (vroom vroom little buddy), Stewart K, (the legend),the incredible Frank K (All Gas, no brakes) and of course, the amazing, kind, wonderful papa who is greatly missed and touched so many….
Victoria Rizzolo / $200.00
Brian Bringolf / $3,600.00
For my mom (Hi Moozie) who I miss every day, for Kevin. M (giddyup), Eddie L, Paul Snyder, the amazing Tre (vroom vroom little buddy), Stewart K, (the legend),the incredible Frank K (All Gas, no brakes) and of course, the amazing, kind, wonderful papa who is greatly missed and touched so many….
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Mary Hewton / $500.00
Pleased to support great joy works Starlight creates with children!
Anonymous / $50.00
Monica Quinn / $50.00
Edward Lalonde / $100.00
Anonymous / $4,000.00
Anonymous / $40.00
Anonymous / $50.00
sergio di giovanni / $20.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Lianne Kiraly / $1,000.00
In honour of Frank Kiraly - an amazing husband and father. We miss you every single day.❤️
Anonymous / $25.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Anonymous / $25.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
claudia vellone / $100.00
Anonymous / $250.00
Lyne Faucher / $100.00
Heiko Fuchs / $50.00
Anonymous / $1,050.00
Peter Scott / $500.00
Paolo Triassi / $100.00
Anna Di Francesco / $50.00
God bless the children
Vito Ventulieri / $100.00
Salvatore Cortese / $100.00
Anonymous / $25.00
Anonymous / $75.00
Vasiliki Kapantais / $100.00
Adam. Grace. Bielecki / $100.00
Happy Christmas to all the children.
Claire Parkinson / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Costas Karamitos / $100.00
Demetrios Constantopoulos / $100.00
Sheldon Davis / $1,372.00
….and now we are at $400,000 In recognition of all the hard working and wonderful staff at Starlight across the country…nothing magical happens without you !
Rita De Marco / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Chantal Brissette / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $500.00
Gillian Bentley / $10.00
Not much. But I'm sure every bit helps
Mark Kornafel / $200.00
Merry Christmas to all the kids
Molly Eisenberg / $100.00
Sending blessings,hope and love to our beautiful children and their families. My heart is with all of you
Prisco Sirignano / $100.00
Marilyn Poirier / $200.00
Geoffrey Allan / $50.00
Anonymous / $180.00
Anonymous / $12,392.00
Anonymous / $100,000.00
Jacques Bureau / $50.00
Linda Stroude / $3,000.00
This will be our 7th Christmas without our Starlight child, Tre. He will forever be a Starlight Angel. His memory will forever fuel my passion to support Starlight. Starlight provided my family with countless precious happy memories for which I am eternally grateful. I hope I make Tre proud every day through the work I do at Starlight. Thank you to every donor that supports the work we do. We wouldn’t be able to create all these special moments without each and everyone of you. Wishing everyone happy holidays and all the best for 2025!
William Granatstein / $180.00
From Billy and Sylvie Granatstein
Anonymous / $20.00
Rebecca L Marchand / $100.00
Merry Christmas
Anonymous / $50.00
Mayda dubman / $30.00
Happy to help this worthy cause.
Johan Augestad / $20.00
Keep up the good work
Stephanie Charters / $20.00
Anonymous / $1,000.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Ana Freire / $50.00
Wishing you all and your families a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year! Blessings to you all!
Lisa Carlomusto / $10.00
Wendy Duncan / $20.00
Thank you for everything that you do. Every child in this world should be able to wear a smile and know that they’re loved. What you do is amazing and once again, thank you.
Anonymous / $30.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Clementina Passariello / $100.00
May all your wishes come true and thru for you, God Bless❤️
Anonymous / $100.00
Alexander Errore / $50.00
Maria Chambers / $100.00
Great work for the kids
Ronald Howell / $50.00
Happy Holidays!!!
Anonymous / $50.00
Nick Stamiris / $350.00
Blessings of Health, Happiness to all the Starlight Families and Volunteers
Maria Micciche / $50.00
Celina Mungroo / $200.00
Manuel D'Souza / $50.00
Mandy Di Lazzaro / $100.00
Wishing you all strength, peace, and a joyous holiday season!
Roula Cafe / $100.00
BRIAN WILSON / $100.00
Merry Christmas to people supporting a truly beautiful cause!
Anonymous / $10.00
Ella, Jessie & Antoine Courtemanche / $500.00
In honor of all the beautiful Starlight families and the amazing Starlight team! <3
Anonymous / $30.00
Gregory McLachlan / $150.00
Helen McDonough / $50.00
Christina Garnes / $30.00
Anonymous / $250.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Ronald Cloran / $20.00
DIanne Caban / $50.00
Happy Holidays.
Jane Kuhnreich / $40.00
Lynn Austin / $20.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Productions Fun Size Fits All / $5,000.00
Melodie Lazzara / $100.00
Michael Busgang / $20.00
Bless you for the help you provide!
Micheal Kafenzakis / $50.00
Centre D'Auto F.D / $450.00
Yvon Voyer / $100.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Tammy D’Attilio / $10.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Sheila Dobie / $20.00
Remembering Brian & Bob!
Catherine Robinson / $10.00
Jeannette Sylvestre / $40.00
Happy holidays such a worthy cause !
Norman Rodney / $100.00
Caroline Ostrowski / $50.00
Happy holidays!!
Anonymous / $25.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Best wishes!!
Anonymous / $20.00
Brigida Mancini / $50.00
Happy holidays and best wishes!!!
Anna Kefalas / $100.00
Wishing everyone Happy Holidays! Lots of health!
Lauren Mandelker / $18.00
Anonymous / $100.00
G. Alejandra Sosa Barron / $30.00
Happy Holidays blessings to all the families and all the people who made this possible ❤️
Mary Biringer / $25.00
Neil Glazer / $100.00
Keep up the good work!
Jenny Ng / $100.00
My angel was a Starlight recipient. Thank you Starlight for giving us such joyful memories to treasure forever. You made her smiles shine the brightest.
Lew Hertz / $50.00
Raffaela Marino / $50.00
All the best to a wonderful organization. Best wishes!
Anna Cvitan / $25.00
Happy holidays to you all!!!
Kaitlin Kiraly / $200.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Joy Melnick / $100.00
I’m proud to donate to such a worthy charity. Bravo to the organizers who give these kids incredible experiences.
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Michel Larouche / $100.00
Having a disabled son myself I truly understand the daily issues we all experience. Good luck to all the Families out there and Happy Holidays to all
Diane and Ken Hotton / $100.00
George Mills / $10.00
Anonymous / $100.00
John Mucciarone / $50.00
Anastasios Sellas / $50.00
Eileen Earle / $20.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Christopher Chan / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Janice & Stuart Robertson / $100.00
Brightening the lives of children year after year.
Mark Jones / $200.00
What great cause, my heart goes out to all kids and their Families.
Robert Kellock / $40.00
Merry Christmas
Antonio Vecchiarino / $100.00
Wishing the children and their families health, love,and joy.
Anonymous / $100.00
Perry White / $54.00
harry Sterner / $100.00
Maxine Platt / $50.00
Keep up the amazing work you all do. These brave children are blessed for your caring hearts & all that you do to bring them & their families hope & joy. Maxine Platt
William & Gina Guida / $100.00
Alida Vajushi / $50.00
In loving memory of Danny
Anonymous / $20.00
Noreen Abrams / $100.00
In memory of Daniel Mario Ganzaroli
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $250.00
Maureen Murphy / $30.00
Thank you for all that you do!
Anonymous / $10.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Nectarios Moshonas / $10.00
Happy Holidays
Anonymous / $40.00
Michael Masters / $50.00
Happy to participate in this important and ever so needed initiative.
Anonymous / $100.00
Helen Nicolopoulos / $100.00
In loving memory of my beloved husband
Chantale Theroux / $20.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Anna Sgro / $100.00
Faith Love Hope
Steven J. Gendron / $20.00
A sick child’s smile is priceless.
Anonymous / $100.00
Andre Marcotte / $100.00
Timotea Palado / $40.00
Benjamin Caron / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Kathleen Doyle / $50.00
Claudia Redmond / $50.00
Happy Holidays! Thanks for all you do.
Roland Schulz / $30.00
Wishing all a very Happy Holiday
Anonymous / $250.00
Angie Lombardo / $30.00
Thank you Starlight!
Frsnco Cecere / $25.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Nino Ruscio / $50.00
Josephine MESIANO / $100.00
Anonymous / $250.00
Noemie Rosenfeld / $50.00
Larry Galletti / $100.00
Teresa Verzelli / $50.00
James Friedman / $50.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $300.00
Marcela Donoso / $20.00
Thank you for what you do.
Anonymous / $50.00
MERRY CHRISTMAS to all the children
audrey concilio / $60.00
I am blessed despite what sometimes life throws at me…... the spirit of christmas is reflected in the mission of 12days of Starlight….and may it bring smiles and joy… Merry christmas everyone…and remember : be kind, cause kindness is free, sprinkle it everywhere
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $25.00
Kathleen Murphy / $40.00
Michael Bedford / $50.00
' Losing any loved one, for those with children in peril my heart breaks for their anguish.
EDWARD O'NEIL / $50.00
Sick children need our help....The Starlight Children's Foundation offers them that needed help! God Bless them!
Anne Tetro / $100.00
Thank you for the services and joy you provide to the children and families.
Happy healthy holidays!
robert brideau / $50.00
Robert Kirkwood / $50.00
Merry Christmas
Josh Pinchuk / $50.00
Isabelle Lacelle / $20.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Kathryn Van Egmond / $30.00
Lyne Clement / $40.00
Oscar T Maus / $10.00
Rosanne D'Amours / $30.00
Keep up the good work!
Suraj Patel / $51.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Ralph McOuat / $1,000.00
In honour of Colin & Austin McOuat From Ralph, Marie France and family
Marco Della Rocca / $100.00
All the best for the Holiday Season!!!
Anonymous / $60.00
Rina Spezzacatena / $100.00
With love
Howard Posluns / $20.00
Great initiative, keep up the great work!!
Thomas Straub / $20.00
May every little bit help!
Mark Blais / $20.00
Anonymous / $25.00
Elizabeth Costa / $100.00
Love all children!
Sam Weissfelner / $100.00
Good health and happiness to all the children!!
George Lukasik / $150.00
Anna & George Lukasik Wishing all families a joyful and peaceful holiday season filled with love and happiness!
Lori Yorke / $40.00
Thank you to everyone for all your wonderful efforts!
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Andrea Gugliandolo / $100.00
Lisa Currie / $30.00
I hope this helps a bit!
Ida Faga / $20.00
Donald Devine / $20.00
James Morency / $25.00
Thank you Starlight for making my son’s experience memorable!
Andrea Hanson / $50.00
Josie Osypa Wagner / $30.00
Merry Christmas everyone
Anonymous / $100.00
Antonio Auciello / $20.00
Andrew Wrobel / $50.00
Good luck to all the beautiful children.
Liliana Porreca / $20.00
Angela Faga / $50.00
Michael Davids / $100.00
Jennifer Pastor / $30.00
Hoping light and love bring you happiness during this season and the year to come
Anonymous / $100.00
rosario contrino / $130.00
hugs and warm wishes to all....
Bonnie Soutar / $50.00
Wishing joy and contentment with hope for a brighter future to all children facing illness. Sending hugs and much love XOXOXOXO
SEAN BIRD / $150.00
May you be blessed and know nothing but joy.
Natalia Paul / $20.00
Happy holidays !!
Eddy Ruano / $20.00
Merry Christmas
Caroline Habib / $50.00
Natasha Bouchard / $40.00
Arthur Galardo / $50.00
A small donation for a huge cause,
Michael Suhajda / $200.00
Every donation makes a difference
Anna Patulli / $25.00
Anonymous / $50.00
jocelyn brace / $100.00
Johanne Fleury / $50.00
Congratulations on passing $250,000
Lea Scandella / $150.00
Bravo Starlight for Your hard work and dedication, for being the “captain” of this ship which allows the children to realize their dream. As a parent of two beautiful boys, and now a nonna to four beautiful healthy boys, I can only imagine what these children and their families are going through facing the unimaginable with strength and courage. Thank you Starlight
Anonymous / $100.00
Catherine Doyle / $30.00
My prayers and thoughts go out to the sick children and families that support them .
Anonymous / $50.00
Harold Aronoff / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Susan Brock / $20.00
For my daughter in law who battled childhood leukaemia and won. Love you Kat xoxo
Karen Carson / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Svetlana Hassin / $50.00
Happy holidays to all you!! May this holiday season bring you laughter and joy. God bless you all ❤️
Michael Wiseman / $100.00
Dr Marty Richter / $100.00
Best wishes to all the children that this exceptional organization helps all year round. Our family has been touched by a medical illness this past year to a loved one so our donation feels especially important this year. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to everyone!
Christina Beauchamp / $50.00
Violeta Adomonis / $100.00
Thank you all for your work and making the children smile
Anonymous / $10.00
Jeanette Thomas / $100.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Despina Neophytou / $100.00
Claudine Turnbull / $100.00
Love hearing all the stories on the radio. And fun to hear Brian Bringolf's voice. A blast from my Elementary school past! Hope my small donation can help make a difference.
Nancy Indri / $100.00
Thank you for the amazing and inspiring work the foundation does for the children!
Yvonne Cheng / $50.00
Antonio Paolucci / $30.00
Karyn Pellatt-Caron / $100.00
So glad this amazing organization exists. I personally know children who have benefited and I am proud to help.
Anonymous / $250.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Diane Elliott-Hill / $50.00
Michael Furlotte / $200.00
God Bless everyone and please help our kids
Anonymous / $100.00
Amanda Borsellino / $50.00
Maria Ricci / $100.00
God bless all our beautiful children.
Radu Kimelman / $18.00
Deborah McCuaig / $250.00
Our family's experience with childhood cancer is never far from mind. Wishing everyone peace and strength!
Lisa Maiorana / $10.00
My daughter was a starlight star at the age of 15. She is now 34 and doing fantastic!! Diagnosed with Lupus, just recently had a flare up this past year but never before did it happen. She is stable and well and is a true star.She is mommy to her lovable chihuahua, Tortilla that she spoils rotten lol Thank you Starlight for everything that is done for children to make them smile.
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $500.00
Edrina Matheson / $500.00
How wonderful to be able to make children smile and enjoy Christmas. Thank you to all of you who work so hard at this event.
Karen Barr / $30.00
May the spirit of the holidays bring joy to all.
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Allan Wiseman / $10.00
Catherine Lamouche / $40.00
With all the negativity in the world, we can always count on children to make everything seem right. Helping children and their families who need is just wonderful and every little bit helps. Happy Holidays to all!
Christine Latreille / $30.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Pierre Mercier / $100.00
Johnny Cognata / $100.00
God bless the children
Patrick Horan / $400.00
Jerry Wiseberg / $50.00
For Hudson and Molly
Anonymous / $200.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
NEIL SWAIL / $20.00
Constance Buki / $100.00
Thank you for your efforts to raise the funds.
Mark Laxer / $250.00
Erica Jacques / $150.00
Wishing all the kids and their families Happy Holidays and a safe and healthy 2025!
Aristidis Lappas / $20.00
Happy Holidays to all. May 2025 bring you lots of good health, peace and happiness.
Miles Flood / $100.00
It's all about the children.
Andrew Quinn / $100.00
Sonja Berg / $150.00
Warmest wishes for Healing and Health to all children who are our future.
Bianca Evangelista / $100.00
Thank you for all you do to make kids enjoy the holidays. With all the sadness in the world , kids need to be kids.
Steve Bloomfield / $75.00
Shawn mccollum / $20.00
Michael Hunter / $10.00
Inna Vinitsky / $10.00
Happy Holidays!!!
Michael Beloruski / $10.00
Happy Holidays!!!
Anonymous / $30.00
Chris Coughlin / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $200.00
Suzanne Lariviere / $30.00
Thank you Starlight for making our children have wonderful experiences which they so deserve and also their families.
Anonymous / $200.00
Thomas Gacki / $10.00
Jennifer Williams / $25.00
Robert Donsky / $20.00
Great Job Starlight!
Michael Beloruski / $10.00
Good luck to all!
Adam Diamantopoulos / $20.00
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Georgia Diamantopoulos / $150.00
In memory of Jojo and Keith. Merry Christmas!
Tony Diamantopoulos / $20.00
Merry Christmas!
Lambro Diamantopoulos / $20.00
Merry Christmas!
wendy estwick / $50.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Patricia Reid / $100.00
Thanks for all you’re doing for all these children - you’ve all earned a place in heaven
Brenda Bercovitch / $100.00
Franco Milo / $50.00
Thank you Starlight for all the work that you do Happy Holidays to Everyone
Anonymous / $20.00
Timothy Neil / $20.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Tony Galasso / $100.00
Anonymous / $300.00
Judy Pollack / $50.00
peter krauth / $10.00
Kathryn Kuiper / $50.00
Jacques & Barbara Chartrand / $100.00
sonia ibarz / $10.00
Mary Clarizio / $50.00
Michael Timberlake / $20.00
Thanks for everything you do ❤️
Brandon Gillette / $50.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Earl Lackman / $100.00
Lucille Davis / $50.00
Thank you for helping Starlight children smile and their families too
Julie Belanger / $100.00
Thank you for doing everything you do for the children.
Chris Phelan / $50.00
Thanks for your efforts.
Jeff Erdan / $30.00
Robert Francolini / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anne Marie Messina / $100.00
Harold Drupals / $100.00
Anne Kosowski / $100.00
Elaine Miller / $100.00
Merry Christmas to All and God Bless the Little Ones who are sick in the hospital. A young child in my family years ago spent the holiday season at the Children's Hospital in Montreal and the family was so appreciative their son had special Christmas day!
Andy Masterson / $100.00
Thank you for all you do for these kids.
Monica Bourgeois / $100.00
Diane Gravel / $20.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Elie Cohen / $100.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Karen Higgins / $100.00
Thanks for all you do for the kids.
Brenda Abaiov / $50.00
Marvin Liebman / $50.00
Mario De Luca / $200.00
Anonymous / $75.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Betty Brown / $50.00
Wishing for peace on earth and love to all
Incoronata Barbiero / $100.00
Wishing all families a joyful and peaceful holiday season filled with love and happiness!
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anouk Lapointe / $250.00
Emily Diamond / $100.00
Thank you for all you do Starlight
John Rankin / $20.00
Wish it was more!!
Sofia Alevizou Haikalis / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Joy Lerner-kurlender / $100.00
In such dark times of illness , the ability to brighten up these sick children’s lives with the miracles of starlight is the most incredible gift to receive.
Nathalie Grant / $20.00
nada sedlar / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Eileen Lumer / $50.00
Thankful for my blessings! Wishing the kids of Starlight a brighter holiday!
Steven Trigonakis / $10.00
Kathleen Murphy / $30.00
Wishing that this donation brings a touch of joy and comfort to the brave children spending Christmas in the hospital. May it help make their holiday season a little brighter and more magical.
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Pina Terrigno / $50.00
Beautiful work you all do for these families!
Debbie and Neil McIntyre / $250.00
God Bless all of the Children, today, tomorrow and always.
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $200.00
Lisa Prevost / $30.00
For the sweet and innocent who should never suffer such hardships. Thank you Starlight for bringing light and hope to their lives.
Margaret Veldt / $20.00
Jane Bennett / $30.00
May God Bless All the Children in 2025 and in the years to come
Gordon Beach / $100.00
I have four healthy grandchildren so I hope this little amount helps out
John Lanktree / $250.00
Suzana Ferencak / $100.00
Wishing all a beautiful 2025!
Peggy Lauzon / $50.00
Happy Holidays!
Roberta Mancinelli / $10.00
Merry Christmas to all of the kids and their families.
Anonymous / $100.00
Martha Hogg / $5,000.00
Carolyn Hine / $50.00
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all.
Anonymous / $100.00
Howard BRAZILLER / $25.00
Anonymous / $100.00
JOHN DOYLE / $20.00
Warren Clark / $20.00
Georgiana Bastas / $70.00
Anonymous / $500.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Virginia Gerald / $20.00
Keep up the great work for the beautiful children!
Rosalind Arkell / $20.00
Amazing work you do
Susan Wong / $60.00
Merry Christmas
Robert Le Sage / $40.00
Meaghan Walsh / $30.00
Desiree Latchman / $10.00
Daniel Austin / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Wendy Gray / $20.00
Alex Guerrera / $30.00
Victoria Parr / $20.00
Victor Knowlton / $20.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Gary Jackson / $100.00
Anonymous / $25.00
Maria Sisti / $20.00
Bridget Murphy / $50.00
Have a great Holiday Season.
Linda and Allan Israel / $100.00
What a great gift YOU are!
Robert Koehler / $100.00
Yves Leblanc / $10.00
Chantale Panneton / $20.00
Happy Holidays and stay strong!
Scott Bradley / $50.00
Cynthia Loiacono / $50.00
David St Pierre / $10.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Gerald Matticks / $40.00
In honor of my grand and great children.
Laurie Samuelson / $72.00
Helen Pantazopoulos / $50.00
Anonymous / $200.00
Holly McDonough / $40.00
Wishing all of the children and their families positive strength and the warmest of hugs during the holiday season and each day thereafter. ❤️❤️
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Cynthia Dratva / $80.00
Thank you for all the wonderful, selfless work you do to spread joy to all the children.
Monique Labbee / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $500.00
Glenn Stewart / $200.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Nikolas Klimis / $300.00
Keep up the great work
Kristina Hopp / $500.00
To all the Starlight families and the team who inspire me every day!
Anonymous / $50.00
Jennifer Jezek / $50.00
Deborah Brooks / $36.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Johanne Kane / $100.00
Christmas is all about the children, bless them all.
Anonymous / $500.00
Maria Amorelli / $20.00
A big thankyou to all hospital workers that do an amazing job ! God bless
Philip Bernardino / $50.00
Judy Hagshi / $30.00
Nancy Dillon / $30.00
I have an 18 year old granddaughter with cerebral palsy. I know how happy this organization can make a sick child and I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart❤️
Terri Sauro / $500.00
May God bless the children and their families
Lonnie Brodkin-Schneider / $100.00
Christine Priest / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Dionisios Gianniotis / $100.00
sylvie Boily / $50.00
I'm happy to participate at that great cause !
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Carol Davidson / $50.00
Thank you for all you do!!
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Sylvia Kartanowicz / $100.00
Health and happiness wishes
Anonymous / $50.00
Marlene Elliott / $50.00
In loving memory of my brother, Daryl Elliott. Miss you everyday.
Anonymous / $20.00
Stephen Rodin / $200.00
Another successful year, keep up the great work.
Linda Abrams / $20.00
Happy Holidays, everyone, and all the best for the New Year! Thank you, Starlight, for the good and important work that you do.
Christelle Natividad / $100.00
Noel D'Souza / $112.00
Larry Chaif / $10.00
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Patrick Lefrancois / $2,000.00
To a great organization and a fantastic team that create memories for families.
Anonymous / $20.00
Rosanna Forese / $50.00
Wishing you all Happy Holidays, never give up Hoping
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
ellen Reda / $40.00
Carol Pisimisis / $50.00
Thank you and happy holidays
Julie Kusiewicz / $40.00
Thank. You for all your amazing work
Roman Michael Pitt / $100.00
Please show donation comes from Julia & Roman Michael Pitt
Gregory Libman / $20.00
Melissa Margles / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Jacques Green / $30.00
In memory of Chloe… my little angel.
NEIL ALPER / $20.00
Cynthia Woods / $100.00
Massimo Roy / $10.00
Mary-Anne Csendes / $30.00
April Nash / $50.00
Sydney Barsky / $25.00
Paul Scale / $100.00
Filomena DiCapua / $200.00
Outstanding job Starlight! Blessings to the children and happy days ahead. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
Nancy Campbell / $20.00
God bless
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Anonymous / $40.00
Emily Palmer / $50.00
For my sweet nephew, Trevor, who was a Starlight kid. ❤️
John Annesley / $20.00
A wonderful service you provide
Satwant Dhanoa / $100.00
MATTEI ALEX / $100.00
courage and strength is what i see in all of you keep smiling and never give up
Andrew Mason / $100.00
This organization is so important to us. What wonderful work you do for those who are so much in need. Thank you!
Anonymous / $100.00
Ronald Moroz / $54.00
Love's in need of love.
Susan Mckinnon / $50.00
congrats on reaching your goal………..and all the great work you do for the kids
Stephen Thacker / $100.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Cheryl Diamond / $50.00
I’ve witnessed some of the wonderful things Starlight has done for my grandson. Thank you.
Rhonda Shaffer / $10.00
Seasons greetings to an amazing organization!
Anonymous / $100.00
James Morris / $20.00
Merry Christmas
Maria Rupnik / $100.00
God bless the children! Thank you Starlight for all that you do. Merry Christmas.
Anonymous / $250.00
Lori Belair / $50.00
Kevin Harris / $50.00
Helen Brown / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Deborah Bielech / $20.00
Ho Ho Ho!
Nina Iacono / $50.00
May all the children see the light and feel all the love around them and hoping they can smile amd enjoy beautiful moments with their loved ones. May God bless then and keep them close to his heart.
Cliff Blackburn / $100.00
Mia LeBaron / $100.00
Thank you.
Anonymous / $50.00
Patricia Cifelli / $100.00
I'm touched by all the stories. I've had many tearful drive ins to work these past 2 weeks Thank you to Starlight and all the donators for helping to bring comfort, healing and hope to those in their greatest time of need. God Bless you all.
Danny Aujla / $50.00
Craig Deboer / $30.00
Smiles for miles!
Anonymous / $560.00
Anthony Pepper / $50.00
James Ferdinand / $1,500.00
In memory of our son, Tre, who benefited from so many wonderful Starlight events over the years. Starlight Team, I applaud you in the continuous great work that you do with bringing smiles and happiness to so many children and their families across Canada. Thank you very much and Happy Holidays!
Shaz Ahmad / $20.00
Keep up all the Great work Starlight!
Brian MacKenzie / $50.00
Sacha Chouinard-Lavigueur / $30.00
Thank you for helping others in need - Sacha
Lucy Wolkove / $100.00
Wishing all the children many blessings.
mauro amato / $20.00
Jeff Matheson / $40.00
Great work all! Go Kids Go!
Richard Leibov / $50.00
Nicole Magder / $250.00
Patrick Marchand / $50.00
All the best and keep up the great achievements for the children.
Anonymous / $40.00
Caroline Crevier / $20.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Brian Cullen / $30.00
Blessings to all the children
Carol Lafortune / $30.00
Jocelyn Jacobe / $20.00
Thank you Starlight for the wonderful job and Happy Holidays to everyone!
Andrew Lee / $50.00
Gerry Madejchuk / $120.00
David Wajcman / $50.00
Chris Kapsimalis / $60.00
Keep up the great work! Happy holidays!!
Angela Davouzaliaris / $100.00
Thank you Starlight for all you do for the children that need your support
Celia Manzano / $25.00
Joanne MacDonald / $80.00
Karen & Ron Presner / $36.00
For our healthy grandchildren
Diane Gormley / $40.00
Celebrating being told today I’m cancer free
Nicole Charette / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Hector Hum / $50.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Cecilia Latkowska / $200.00
Thank you Team Starlight for bringing smiles to the children and their families. Wishing you all a joyous and peaceful holiday season!
Kristina Lauer-Meffe / $50.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Robert Giustini / $30.00
Silvana Khoury / $40.00
Roberto Bastone / $50.00
Mary Glowacki / $25.00
In honor of my three grandchildren!
Terry Martino / $10.00
Derek da Costa / $270.00
Dear Brian & Starlight team, There is no greater gift of humanity than empathy towards the ill & suffering, especially to the most vulnerable...! Thank you for allowing us to participate in this gift! To be a child is to know the wonder in life; to have a child is to know the meaning of life; & to nurture a child in need is to validate the gift of our own lives! Season's greetings & a very happy 2025 to all you "elves" out there!
Sandro Flocco / $20.00
sergio abate / $100.00
Joseph Albanese / $10.00
Cinzia Palmieri / $20.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Samantha Hawkins / $100.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Bill Anastasiou / $50.00
Please give what you can. Every bit counts.
Lesley Hamilton / $100.00
Wishing all a happy and safe holiday season.
Anonymous / $20.00
Kyla Stacey / $100.00
Dalila Leibovici / $100.00
May all the children be healthy and have wonderfull year and happy life
Glenn Peterson / $20.00
In loving memory of our little angel that left us at the age of 3.
Daniel Allard / $56.00
Laura Granata / $40.00
To all God’s little angels, get well soon ❤️
Kimberly Chabot / $30.00
Wishing everyone Happy Holidays!
Anonymous / $100.00
Lisa Armitage / $50.00
thanks for the reminder
Larry Palmer / $100.00
antonio ciambrone / $100.00
Natasha Petrovic / $200.00
Johanne Boudreault / $20.00
Let’s hope for the day when we can save all the children I wish I could give much more.
Anonymous / $100.00
Massimo Vincelli / $100.00
The stories I've heard over the last couple of days from cjad 800 have really been inspiring. Keep up the amazing work you guys do! And best wishes to everyone.
Stephen McKnight / $20.00
Francine Boyer / $10.00
Sorry it's small, but I do hope it helps.♥️
Marco Paquette / $200.00
From Marco and Dylan
David Rowan / $100.00
I have never donated before and I don't know why? I think the cause is great and I will donate every year. Great work Starlight!
Sherri McGurnaghan / $20.00
Marcia Slaven / $50.00
Judy Tyrrell / $50.00
Michel Filiatrault / $50.00
God bless the children!!!
Anonymous / $100.00
myrthlyn taylor / $20.00
I would like to donate $20 for the chrildren I wish it could be more but, every bit help.
Mike Millette / $150.00
Cindy Vachon / $10.00
Donna Bell / $20.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Mark Perry / $15.00
Wishing happiness for all the children going thru their own personal journey . Not at all easy , but organizations like this put smiles on all their faces. Know of a few people n their teens going thru cancer struggles at 15 and 17 years old. They are stronger than most of us can imagine. Thank you Starlight for giving to all the families and children..
Genevieve Ricard / $20.00
Giuseppe Aloe / $30.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Louis Godin / $20.00
Debra Birenbaum / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Jocelyn Lauzon / $50.00
Thank you Starlight! Happy Holidays to all!
Reisa Lipszyc / $50.00
Howard Saskin / $100.00
Suzanne Bellefleur / $50.00
Stella Legatos / $200.00
To make a child happy and smile, even under difficult circumstances, is the greatest gift that one can give.
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Pooranjit Lalta / $100.00
Carmen Iovino / $55.00
As the mother of a severely handicapped daughter, I wish Starlight would have existed when she was a child. But I am stoked that for the last 28 years, a lot of children have benefited of the services Starlight offered and continues to do today. What a wonderful organization ! I wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a healthy, happy New Year ! May you be blessed in 2025 !
John Lavoie / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Stuart Forman / $50.00
Arondowele Agard / $10.00
Wishing all the children health and happiness
Peter Auger / $100.00
Great work and initiative!! You are to be commended
Sherry Gilmer / $50.00
Love and peace to all
Michelle Osborne / $100.00
Isaac Levy / $100.00
Anna Teresa Buono / $100.00
Happy Holidays to Everyone!
Alice Mok / $30.00
Marie Di Maso / $60.00
Lorna Bierbrier / $36.00
Thanks to Brian and Lennie Ryer for all the work you do to help kids
Doris White / $30.00
Great work especially this time off the year
Jay Ouderkirk / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
eva loran / $30.00
what a wonderful group of people. wishing love nd joy to one and all
Norman Wener / $10.00
For my precious healthy grandchildren. ❤️❤️
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Davida Tessler / $100.00
Happy to give a little joy this holiday season!
Davey Bobbish / $100.00
Keep up the great work and Merry Christmas
Anonymous / $30.00
Nick Chiné / $20.00
Benjamin Wenger / $50.00
Tim mueller / $100.00
Deborah Diggle favretto / $50.00
Diane Marcotte / $50.00
Daniel Frappier / $10.00
Merry Christmas
giuseppe mancuso / $30.00
God bless you for all the work starlight does.
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Patricia Tudor / $50.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Marsha Beaudoin / $20.00
Reesa Barr / $20.00
Keep shining bright Starlight!!! ✨⭐️
Paul Grenier / $50.00
Karen Pilkington / $20.00
Peter Casquinha / $100.00
Keep up the good work!wishing everyone a healthy New Year
Brenda Hurdle potamitis / $100.00
Daniel and Heather Tolensky / $100.00
Thank you for everything you do Starlight!!
Diane Newman / $20.00
Mary Agnes Pilkington / $50.00
Linda Healey-Rose / $35.00
Thank you for your wonderful work for these special families.
Anonymous / $20.00
Howard Diamond / $10.00
What wonderful work to people do!
Anonymous / $20.00
Nektarios Staveris / $50.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Karyn Zambon / $50.00
Best wishes to the children and their families for a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Anonymous / $100.00
Nancy Awad / $100.00
Joshua Landau / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Wendy CLARKE / $200.00
Thank you for spreading such joy to so many brave Starlight families!
Steve Stelluti / $100.00
My annual donation is always in the name of my nephew Adam who was in and out of Children's Hospital all his life and now about to turn 23yo in January '25, I Love You!... ❤️ To everyone at the CH, your work and love for these kids are indeed much appreciated, love is all we need!
Anonymous / $20.00
cory johnston / $30.00
Eva Warszawski / $30.00
Thank you for lighting up so many lives.
Pierre Montpetit / $30.00
Joyeux Noël les enfants!
Anonymous / $10.00
Tanya Gallery / $50.00
Thomas Gilson / $50.00
Miss you uncle Pete
Anonymous / $100.00
Pierre & Wendy Ilantzis / $160.00
David Tattersall / $20.00
Merry Christmas kids!
Karin Leitner / $30.00
Keep up the fabulous working in bringing joy to the kids and their parents.
Anonymous / $50.00
Vince Condarcuri / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Adrian Crawley Da Costa / $20.00
Health and Happiness to all!
H John Saabas / $100.00
Jing Di Li / $50.00
Merry Christmas!
Bruno Lefebvre / $100.00
Brad Wilson / $50.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Ann Fournier / $65.00
Keep up the great work and dedication.
Anonymous / $200.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Diane lefebvre / $50.00
David Martz / $200.00
Sathya Upendran / $100.00
Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year
Trevor Zaharichuk / $20.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Maria Pacheco / $50.00
God bless all the children and their families, the medical staff that take care of them, and everyone at Starlight!
Anonymous / $200.00
Bernard Boiteux / $120.00
Thank you for the great work that entire Starlight Children’s Foundation does all year. All the best for 2025 to you and all your families!
Ted Frank / $500.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Famille Leclerc-Bhatti / $127.00
Best wishes and strength for the holidays!
Stephen Tabib / $100.00
Eric Koppe / $200.00
Wendy Mellor / $100.00
Laura Di Cesare / $20.00
To the staff of Starlight, Thank you for making the world brighter to all the brave children and their families that face challenges every day and for reminding us all the power of kindness and giving.
Claudyne Dobie / $100.00
Neil Frazer / $200.00
William Gagne / $100.00
Merry Christmas to all.
Dror and Joy Medav / $250.00
May this holiday season bring you joy and happiness. On behalf of the Israeli October 07 massacre victims.
Anonymous / $600.00
michael & isabella hewitt / $50.00
Eleanor Eckert / $50.00
Peter Grubesic / $50.00
I hope this donation helps :-)
Haig Tchamourian / $50.00
Merry Christmas
Sunil Patel / $100.00
Never give up
Sia Spanoudakis / $50.00
Robin Bratton / $50.00
Thankful for my healthy children and grandchildren god bless all the families that you help
Elizabeth Recio / $50.00
Sarah MacDonald / $50.00
Ruth Floreani / $20.00
Wishing all of the beautiful children a very happy holidays!
Josef Mejstrik / $50.00
Monika Mejstrikova / $100.00
Karl Frei / $100.00
Happy Holidays to these beautiful children
Michael Séguin / $200.00
Anonymous / $36.00
Howard Brown / $20.00
Wishing everyone Happy Holidays
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $500.00
Ashanta Farrington / $50.00
On behalf of mom, Evadne Anderson
Anonymous / $1,000.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Antonio Romano / $100.00
Stephan Hebert / $20.00
Rosie Viviani / $50.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Patricia Empsall / $50.00
Thanks to the staff for all you do to make things brighter for the children
Gerg Steidl / $20.00
Giuseppe Giulietti / $200.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Carlos Gutierrez / $400.00
Thank you for the incredible work you do in bringing joy, hope, and support to children and families during difficult times. Wishing your entire team a joyful and peaceful holiday season!
Michael Zaslavsky / $25.00
Thank you Starlight for changing lives and bringing light to the children! Happy Holidays!
Brigida Maruca / $50.00
to all the wonderful, strong, courageous kids out there that show adults to live life fully.
Gitta Kurtz / $50.00
Andreas Huber / $50.00
Anonymous / $24.00
Tiffany Smith / $20.00
Thank you for making my young son’s hospital stay less scary.
Anonymous / $100.00
Mark Kashetsky / $100.00
To Brian and the entire team keep up the amazing work you do, may you all be blessed with health and happiness.
bernard perras / $100.00
Best wishes to all and Happy 2025.
Lynn McDermott Kirk / $25.00
May the Joy of the Season touch all of the deserving families in their journey! Love, Peace & Strength to all!
Sudesh Sandrasagra / $30.00
Merry Christmas to all
Rino Montagna / $100.00
My daughter when she was eight years old starlight helped us out got us through tough times to put smiles on our faces. Now my daughter is 24 years old and she has healthy as you can imagine. Thank you starlight.
Peter Morroni / $100.00
Toby Shulman / $20.00
I'm glad to once again support the Starlight Children's Foundation of Canada. Toby Shulman
Sandra Zumaran / $40.00
Happy Holidays to the Starlight Family!
Nicanor Feratero Jr. / $30.00
I love the work you do!
Anonymous / $250.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Carmelo Mangiola / $100.00
Susan Henderson / $250.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
ian Wugalter / $50.00
Thank you for all that Starlight does! Bring smiles to kids.
Daniel Amstutz / $100.00
Having a sick child myself, I can certainly understand how hard it can be on everyone involved. My whole heart goes out to them.
Melanie Gale / $100.00
Thank you Starlight, keep on shining!
Mario Fracasso / $250.00
God bless the kids
Gary Waxman / $100.00
Eric Falls / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Brigitte Morneau / $40.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Mario Fracasso / $100.00
God bless
Althea Farquharson / $150.00
Thank you Starlight for the amazing work you do, such a worthy cause !
Anonymous / $100.00
Sheryl Birenbaum / $50.00
Brock Howell / $100.00
For years Starlight has been making Sick Children's dreams possible. Continue this amazing commitment for years to come !!
Leslie Bruckert / $50.00
Daniel Gontar / $100.00
Congratulations to Starlight for bringing gifts, hope and make dreams for all these children! Hopefully this will continue for many, many years to come.
Anonymous / $250.00
Philippe Williatte-Battet / $50.00
Denise Skordakis / $30.00
Thank you to Starlight, to TenaQuip and to all sponsors for everything you do for these kids. Their stories are truly touching. Happy Holidays to everyone.
Harry Steinbrenner / $100.00
Thank you for putting a smile on these deserving children and their families
Jocelyne Flament / $30.00
Dianna McLean-Leroux / $50.00
Happy Holidays! Please continue to put a smile on these beautiful children's faces.
Patricia MacDonald / $60.00
Jim Shea / $50.00
Thank you Tenaquip
Susan Errington / $100.00
Hope this brings a smile to some child this holiday season. Just remember that you are not alone.
Harley Tessler / $100.00
Best of the season to all Laraine & Harley Tessler
Anonymous / $100.00
Cheryl O’Neill / $15.00
Wishing strength to families and children who are going through tough times, especially when a child is ill and all they want is for their loved ones to be healthy and home for Christmas. Cheryl
John Robertson / $20.00
Happy to contribute
Dominic Carlucci / $50.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Arthur Bronstein / $20.00
Robert Morris / $100.00
Thanks fir taking care of the children
Kathleen Broos / $100.00
Keep up the amazing work!
francis pasztor / $30.00
Happy&Healthy holidays to all...
Laila Nesi / $100.00
Wishing all children and their families the very best this holiday season.
Linda Ciaraldi / $40.00
Deborah Rattigan / $40.00
Anonymous / $18.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Manny Perra / $100.00
Congratulations to the organizers. Well fone.
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Dale McCall / $20.00
Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukah to all the children & families that benefit from Starlight fundraising. Good health & Happiness always!
Anonymous / $50.00
Warren Huxham / $100.00
Anonymous / $150.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $2,000.00
Helen Loukas / $100.00
May God bless you all and thank you again Starlight for creating miracles for these children. Now the biggest miracle we need is a cure for all these diseases. Happy holidays to all the families and children ❤️
Marlene Fulford / $10.00
Lisa Millelire / $50.00
Thank you for caring.
Marlene Fulford / $10.00
every little bit adds up for the children
Michael Lieberman / $250.00
Despina Dimitrakopoulos / $100.00
Happy Holidays to all!
Thank you to everyone involved in this important effort. And Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to all.
Mary SCULLION / $10.00
I am not rich But every little bit helps .I love this project. Best wishes and warmest regards during these festive timesa
Jillian Edwy / $20.00
Wishing all the children a wonderful holiday season no matter what religion they are. Peace around the world and the end of our beautiful children being ill.
Antonio Pitoscia / $50.00
Glenn Caron / $150.00
Joy and health to all the children of the world!!
Linda Holdbrook / $50.00
In the name of Rowan Venne.
Dawn Bissegger / $30.00
Jacob Dykler / $100.00
Health and happiness to all the children.
Mario Cosentini / $50.00
Children are our future let's give them a helping hand.
Trevor Stewart / $10.00
Valerie Mc Connell / $100.00
Randy Schwartz / $50.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Robert Notkin / $120.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Jamie Salomon / $100.00
Wendy Bolger / $100.00
Thank you for all the wonderful work that you do for those innocent children❤️
Christine Kasprzyk / $300.00
Happy Holidays to all the children.
Anonymous / $20.00
Myriam and Allan Rais / $500.00
Happy Holidays to all the beautiful kids and their families and to everyone at Starlight for your giant hearts
Lazer Crudo / $20.00
Linda Read / $20.00
In honour of my sister in law Pat who is fighting her own health battles, with a beautiful smile! Keep smiling, it lights us all up!
Peter Angrove / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
David Pickrell / $250.00
Great work you guys do and brian you are a leader
Anonymous / $20.00
Nadia Di Vito / $100.00
Wishing a great holiday season to all the children and their families.
Natalie Osborne / $50.00
Eric Rodier / $60.00
Wishing a wonderful holiday season for all the children and their families.
Christopher Hettel / $20.00
Hoping to add a smile to a child’s face! Merry Christmas to all.
Shane Lorne Weigensberg / $100.00
Donating in loving and everlasting memory of Shane Lorne Weigensberg, who loved kids, helping people, and giving of himself. Please remember to think before you act, and STAY SAFE for yourself, family, and friends!!! TAGS4SHANE.COM
Eva Dolenszky / $100.00
Happy Holidays to all the inspirational and resilient children and families that you support with your wonderful foundation.
Marla Yanofsky / $50.00
Darcy Bryant LaRiviere / $50.00
Keith Wilson / $100.00
Keep up the great work.
Breen Kennedy / $100.00
Starlight does amazing important things thank you
Donna McLean / $50.00
love and hope and health
Candice Cloran / $20.00
Anonymous / $100.00
robert melnyk / $500.00
Keep up the good work you are doing for the children
James Yates / $50.00
Merry Christmas
Valerie Caissie / $100.00
may your best wishes come true
Andrew Adessky / $50.00
Carol Ann Beeby / $20.00
A happy holiday season for all the children
Anonymous / $20.00
Lily Ruocco / $100.00
Wonderful organization!! Happy Holidays!!
Gerry Jones / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Linda Di Domenico / $100.00
Marie Tomeo-Smith / $50.00
Thoughts and prayers are with everyone.
Colleen O'Donnell / $50.00
God bless all of these sick children and God bless everyone at Starlight Children's Foundation for the wonderful work you do.
Harlan Zwaig / $100.00
Such wonderful work to help all these children
Janet McLean / $200.00
Tereska Sobkowiak Jenkins / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Vince Tarantini / $50.00
Keep up the good work
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Zahava Grinfeld / $100.00
Wishing everyone a Very Happy Christmas and a New Year filled with good health love, peace and blessings ❤️
Anonymous / $20.00
Patricia Romanick Papp / $10.00
For Jennifer's son
Sonia Vitulano / $20.00
Warren Chisling / $300.00
Such wonderful work to help all these children
christine dicaire / $20.00
Suzanne Calcutt / $20.00
Thank you
Renee Kennette / $100.00
A little can go a long way! Holiday greetings to all and may you receive the very best that 2025 will bring.
Suzy Joaquim / $300.00
Anonymous / $40.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Tanja Geurtsen / $20.00
Jennifer Hills / $10.00
Andrea Simpson / $25.00
Keep up the good work! Happy holidays to you and all the families that are helped annually
Anonymous / $50.00
Diane Brunton / $20.00
Audrey Weizmann / $100.00
Great work!
Anonymous / $20.00
Stanley Feret / $20.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Angelika Balinska / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Mike Klymkiw / $500.00
Always great to hear how you guys are making dreams come true. Truly Beautiful!
Julie Michaud / $100.00
Wishing you a so much happiness and blessings for the holidays and all year long. With love from our family to yours. . Julie, Adam, Nathaniel, Ryan, Jenny and Ashton Labrie
Lise Lapointe / $50.00
Joyeuses Fêtes! Merry Christmas! Santé, bonheur et surprises!
Fernando Salvo / $100.00
Happy Holidays to everyone - Wishing everyone health, health and more health with amazing recoveries and inspiring stories. Fernando
Karen Broadway / $20.00
Polytime Tsantrizos / $50.00
Darleen McKay / $100.00
Thom Fitzgibbon / $50.00
Continue the Great Wirk you do !!
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $70.00
Anonymous / $10.00
May all the families and their loved ones enjoy Christmas and i wish them a Happy and Healthy New Year
Anonymous / $20.00
Anne Scarfo / $100.00
Merry Christmas!
Joanne Ward / $25.00
Harold Riley / $100.00
Happy Holidays from Jana Bogelic and Harold Riley
Anonymous / $20.00
Avery Huynh / $100.00
Antonia Geraci / $50.00
For Kayla
Anonymous / $50.00
Paulette Henry / $20.00
Wishing all the families and loved ones a very blessed and prosperous holiday
Anonymous / $100.00
Jennifer Haley / $100.00
The absolute worthy cause!
Anonymous / $20.00
Jessica Million / $50.00
Every child deserves joy and especially during the holiday season. Wishing happiness for the children and their families this holiday season.
Steven Chacra / $100.00
Anonymous / $75.00
Joanne Magnan / $100.00
Merry Christmas .....keep on fighting!
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
melissa Cariello / $10.00
Umberto Ortona / $50.00
I hope one day that we find a cure for all.happy holidays to all.
delia Cariello / $10.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Pina Perluzzo / $50.00
Pearlita Highfield / $20.00
Anonymous / $125.00
Patrice Montpetit / $10.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Fatima Calouro / $60.00
Thank you for the wonderful work you do for these sick children and families, Happy Holidays to all! Fatima Calouro
Peter Enright / $100.00
Lisa Padvaiskas / $30.00
Sue Dietel / $25.00
Happy Holidays!
Anonymous / $250.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Daniele Polletta / $40.00
John Yankowski / $50.00
Marian Schluter / $100.00
Jean Williatte-Battet / $20.00
It's all about the kids. God bless the kids.
Alison Drucker / $50.00
I am grateful not to need Starlights assistance. I just wanted todo a little something to support this very special organization.
DAVID PETRIE / $100.00
Tom Banousis / $25.00
Wishing you the very best. God bless
Robert Gregory / $100.00
Grateful for the blessings Starlight is to so many families.
Aldine Martell / $50.00
I'm thankful for your Organization for blessing the children and their families. Happy holidays.
Anonymous / $50.00
Nick Bogdanos / $150.00
We saw our nieces and nephew grow up as healthy, successful adults. Truly blessed. On their behalf we would like to support your great work. Thank you, for all the work you do to make the lives of these children a bit happier. Happy Holidays
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $10.00
martin gillespie / $100.00
My first time
Anonymous / $50.00
John Tsambalieros / $100.00
Let's all bring joy to the world :)
Rob Braide / $50.00
Steve Schreter / $20.00
Stella Zappitelli / $50.00
You are a wonderful organization!
Lisa Elkin / $100.00
My heartfelt best wishes to all the children and the parents and the dedicated staff of this organization. Happy Holidays
Marc-André Taillefer / $10.00
Nicole Fraser / $20.00
Derek Culkin / $100.00
In loving memory of Rick Mchenry
Joan Waring / $10.00
Archer Bolusan / $25.00
Happy Holidays!
Anonymous / $50.00
Mona Sigler / $100.00
John Browning / $100.00
3 great children and 6 great grandchildren and all healthy
Heather Sly / $30.00
May everyone’s wishes come true!!! Happy and healthy year
Abul Ullah / $500.00
As a father, I am blessed with 3 beautiful, healthy, amazing children. I cannot imagine the strength that is needed to live through the challenges that some children and their parents face. I am blessed lately and am grateful so i just want to share what i can and let you know that you are amazing and I admire your strength!!!
ANNE-MARIE Chiazzese / $60.00
Michael Matlin / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Angeliki Souranis / $50.00
Martin Chiasson / $50.00
Alice Cohen / $30.00
Thank you for what you do
A David Waldron / $100.00
You haven't heard from me in the last two years because my brother passed away two years ago, and my mother passed this year. I'm just trying to do something good for the kids. It would be wonderful to win, but more than anything, I want to make a difference.
darlene lasiuk / $10.00
John Rainsford / $100.00
Has become a tradition for me to donate every year
Angela Sareen / $50.00
Onofrio Porfilio / $50.00
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!
Fuel It Refueling / $5,000.00
The Dym Family Foundation / $5,000.00
Gustav Levinschi Foundation / $5,000.00
Everypoint Logistics / $5,000.00
John Amend / $200.00
Bulletproof Logistics / $5,000.00
Delmar International / $5,000.00
Lori Mullins / $200.00
God bless the children and their families.
Best wishes and happy holidays!!
Arnold Zwaig / $50.00
Anonymous / $200.00
Wendy Barrett / $100.00
To Sarah and all the other Starlight kids and their families who go through more than anyone should have to, I'm donating on behalf of my beautiful daughters, my wonderful grand babies and my late Mom and Dad.
Rosalind Belgrave / $50.00
I am a nurse and a professor who has been privileged to take care of these children, and I am always amazed at their resilience despite everything that they are going through, coupled with the dedication , hope , determination and commitment of the parents day after day.Please keep up this wonderful work the organization is doing
Jim Araujo / $40.00
Elaine & Neil Zeidel / $500.00
Wonderful work brightening childrens’ difficult days.
Randall Huberman / $50.00
Merry Christmas to all!
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Roy Potts / $50.00
Sylvie De Repentigny / $50.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Andrew Sommer / $60.00
Wishing everyone Happy Holidays
Anonymous / $100.00
Irene Shulman / $100.00
Karen Bergeron / $20.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Albert Niselshtein / $40.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Gerald Paradis / $50.00
Carole Gamache-Brabant / $30.00
Pour aider les enfants à passer de meilleurs moments.
Anonymous / $50.00
Jenetha Alleyne / $50.00
In memory of Tre Ajani Stroude Ferdinand.
Sandra Vaillancourt / $50.00
I wish I could do more! Thank you so much for all you do.
Charles Whitford / $20.00
lets pull together and do this!!
Mary Vittoria / $30.00
In memory of my son Ryan Anthony perrotti sept. 24, 1996 to sept. 30, 2003
Trevor Lane / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Marcel Beaulieu / $100.00
Great cause!!!
Wendy Butchart / $100.00
Wishing the amazing Starlight heroes who make us feel we can accomplish anything
Anne Drapeau / $50.00
Would give more if we could for such a wonderful cause! Happy holidays! Anne & Keith
Angela Fragomene / $50.00
Laurie Favron / $20.00
I'm happy to contribute to such a worthy foundation. Happy holidays!
Penny Matheos / $500.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Line Renaud / $100.00
Keep up the great work, spread the joy to those in need!
Anonymous / $10.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Shawn Ryan / $100.00
I sit in my car everyday and cry when I hear these stories. Congratulations Starlight for giving these families the opportunity for Happy Memories
Michel Cohen / $30.00
Donna Furlotte / $100.00
Wanda Holst / $100.00
Thanks for the wonderful work you do. Happy Holidays.
gregory pittman / $100.00
Oliver De Volpi / $100.00
Thank you for all your work. there couldn't be a more worthwhile cause.
Renée Riendeau / $100.00
Shirley Tymchuk / $100.00
Patricia Finn / $50.00
Sending all our hopes and best wishes during this Holiday Season to all ! Thank you to all the Christmas Elves for all their hard work!❄️☃️
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Suzanne Bruneau / $30.00
For the children!
Neil Forbes / $10.00
Donna Wunderlich / $50.00
Having had cancer myself, I know a bit of what you are feeling. I am wishing each and everyone of you positive thoughts for better days to come. Hang in there.
Solange Dubois / $50.00
Loretta DePaola / $50.00
Anne Wade / $250.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Joseph Treisser / $20.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Suzanne Weinstein / $120.00
Wishing all the families happy holidays with lots of health & courage and to never give up hope. Thank you Starlight for your wonderful work & support ❤️❤️❤️
Wendy Yersh / $100.00
I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible work you do in making dreams come true for children who are facing terminal illnesses. The love, compassion, and joy you bring to these families during such a difficult time is truly inspiring. Your dedication helps create precious memories that will last forever. Thank you for the hope and happiness you provide to these children and their loved ones. Your impact is immeasurable, and I am in awe of all you do. With warmest regards, Wendyv
Constance Goldie / $30.00
A very great cause!
Helena Moshonas / $100.00
johnny o'neil / $150.00
Keep up the great work
Dean Clarke / $100.00
Keep up the great work for what could not be a better cause. I listen to stories on the radio and what you do for these kids and it warms my heart knowing you are there for them.
Nick Vietri / $150.00
Larry Coughlin / $20.00
Christmas a Kids Nothing better.
Larry Coughlin / $20.00
Christmas a Kids Nothing better.
Larry Coughlin / $20.00
Christmas a Kids Nothing better.
Larry Coughlin / $20.00
Christmas a Kids Nothing better.
Anonymous / $30.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Karen Roberge / $100.00
Want to help the children
Marsha Ptack / $30.00
Wishing every child good wishes
Jessica Hackenbroch / $100.00
Lucia Bonfitto / $50.00
Lawrence Ettienne / $50.00
I donate in the name of my granddaughter, Eva to help the sick kids.
Jennifer Legault / $100.00
Casey Norton / $50.00
Donna Daigneault / $40.00
Anonymous / $100.00
David Wishart / $30.00
J Natali Quinonez / $20.00
Derek Stewart / $100.00
In memory of my loving and caring mom Yvonne Williams
Pina Brunetta / $50.00
40 Westt Steak House 40 Westt Steak House / $5,000.00
Elenitsa Neocleous / $50.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Nancy Stock / $40.00
Merry Christmas and continue this wonderful work
David Paul / $10.00
Tracey-Ann Finn / $100.00
Christine Diabo / $25.00
Merry Christmas
Anonymous / $20.00
James Lemaitre / $10.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Jennifer Joyce / $100.00
bruce kahn / $50.00
George Davies / $20.00
All the for the children
"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." God Bless.
Gary Cobrin / $50.00
Judi Fish / $50.00
Wendy Ozanick / $50.00
Scale-Tron Inc Susie Michel / $200.00
Susie Michel / $50.00
Anonymous / $100.00
audrey concilio / $50.00
Do good unto others, you will receive abundance
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $200.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Mel Rothman / $50.00
on behalf of my girls Erica + Kaily
Anonymous / $20.00
Eveline Masclé / $30.00
I wish to put a smile on somebodies face!!
karen Deegan Cappelli / $100.00
Mary Anne &Joe Hlusko / $20.00
Keep up the wonderful work !
Nancy Dufour / $50.00
Happy Holidays little ones!
Sharon Davidovis / $100.00
John Ledoux / $50.00
Jacqueline Gill / $20.00
Shawn Norman / $50.00
valerie adams / $10.00
Tim Ross / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Christopher Howlett / $20.00
Kenny King / $30.00
Thomas Gacki / $10.00
Tony Garizzi / $10.00
Kenneth King / $30.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Louise Grenon / $10.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Daniel Meech / $20.00
Wishing a Merry Christmas to all the children
Peter Khoury / $150.00
Naomi Lapin / $150.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Sandra Mayer / $20.00
I wish all the children a Merry Christmas, and a healthy recovery
David Johansen / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Ronald Sani / $100.00
Rajinder K Singh / $25.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anita Hynes / $100.00
Anonymous / $200.00
George Malamadakis / $50.00
Ross & Dawn Chawsky / $100.00
We are so very happy to support this cause. Thank you for all the you do to help the children and their families ! Merry Christmas and all the best in 2025 ! Ross & Dawn
Marilyn Booth / $100.00
Diane Soroka / $100.00
This is a great cause.
victoria wilton / $50.00
Warmest Regards
Haley Reid / $50.00
William Kazmerchuk / $50.00
A great organization I have supported over the years. All the best in 2025.
Daniel Lajoie / $100.00
Nina Dracontaidis / $100.00
Anonymous / $60.00
Lina DIRIENZO / $40.00
Elisabetta Giannini / $100.00
Merry Christmas from Gia and Gianluca ❤️
Anonymous / $20.00
Carmela Muzzo / $100.00
On behalf of Fleuriste Jules d'Alcantara
Anonymous / $500.00
Nickie Carozza / $50.00
Happy Holidays
Ian Moodie / $10.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Barbara Polewczuk / $50.00
Your work is priceless, thank you.
Shana Fruchter / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Nancy Marget / $50.00
Nobile D Antonio / $100.00
Santo Spinali / $50.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Michele Elkaim / $20.00
Howard cohen / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
diane kapetanakis / $30.00
In memory of my dad, John and my mom Marina - fill the hearts of all children with joy and sunshine!
Sandra Fortier / $20.00
Bless the children. Their stories are sad and beautiful. Wishing them all a good life.
yolanda lindsay / $20.00
Helena Couto / $100.00
Memories are so important. Keep on giving these families and children great and everlasting memories.
Anonymous / $30.00
Anonymous / $20.00
jamie barbieri / $100.00
Happy Holidays! Thanks to all for supporting this great initiative!
Dimitar Kozhuharov / $10.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Marina Kozhuharova / $10.00
Bruce Greenberg / $100.00
Keep up the great work!
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Margaret Elliott / $50.00
I am so grateful to have healthy grandchildren. I want to help fund special activities for all those children and their parents who face daily struggles to help bring a smile to their day.
Susan Cox / $100.00
Such a wonderful organization - keep up the excellent work and happy holidays to all.
Anonymous / $50.00
Ron Roy / $50.00
Cathy LeHuquet / $30.00
Best wishes and happy holidays to all.
Lynda Schneider / $100.00
Continue all the wonderful work!!!
Anonymous / $250.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Anonymous / $500.00
Cherri Upshaw / $20.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Elaine Lobaton / $50.00
Harald Barfod / $1,000.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Mark David / $50.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Ioana munteanu / $250.00
Julieta Zangao / $50.00
Anonymous / $10.00
dale sklivas simonenko / $20.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Hilary Shannon / $50.00
peter whitaker / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Nancy Small / $25.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Cathy Nardi / $100.00
Greg Kelly / $120.00
Anonymous / $30.00
pat giordano / $100.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Barbora Boronell / $100.00
Anonymous / $250.00
Michael D'ambrosio / $10.00
I have never donated in the past, I have heard other donating and how they felt after, for the children that deserve all the help we can get. I am just sorry I haven't donated sooner or that I could not donate more.
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $250.00
Wendy Hedrich / $50.00
Eileen Ball / $50.00
Ann Anez / $100.00
In loving memory of Rick McHenry
Trianda Barton / $50.00
Happy Holidays and Best Wishes Always
Bernadette Jean / $100.00
Krisztina Pragai / $40.00
Glenn Awada / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Mark Gutberg / $30.00
Marianna FERRAIUOLO / $30.00
Heartfelt thanks Starlight
Susan Hayward / $100.00
In memory of my sister Jennifer. Thanks for your wonderful work
Anonymous / $100.00
Michelle Sayasen / $20.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Ann Marie Sorensen / $100.00
Mary Casar / $30.00
Francine Prevost / $100.00
Alba Favalli / $100.00
Best wishes of good health to all children going through challenging times ❤️‍
Judy Ikeman / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Katie Dickie / $50.00
Grace Tavares / $60.00
Happy Holidays to all involved in this wonderful organization that continually bring smiles to all these special children !
Louise Thomas / $100.00
Lucie Begin / $20.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Audrey Belouin / $25.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Alyssa Shragie / $100.00
Thank you for all you do for our granddaughter and all the families that are in need of the assistance, joy and laughter you help provide. Alyssa Shragie
Grace Maj / $100.00
Thank you for your wonderful work! You are an amazing team of angels. I’m donating in honor of my 4 year old granddaughter who has been a patient at the Children’s since birth. I call her my Braveheart because that’s what she is…so brave. May God bless all of the children.
Sylvie Warda / $50.00
Merry Christmas
Vanessa Prochnau / $100.00
There are no words to describe the wonderful work of Starlight. We are eternally grateful for everything they did for our family during some very difficult periods of my daughter’s health journey. Keep shining your light where it is most needed. Again thank you from the bottom of our hearts Vanessa Brittany and family xx
Arleen Boyer / $30.00
Ann Watson / $50.00
Linda Cardella / $20.00
Thank you for your good work, Starlight! Happy and healthy holidays to all!
Celia Tucker / $50.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Rashmita Patel / $51.00
Merry Christmas and a prosperous Happy New Year. Lots of happiness, health and prosperity to you and your family. God bless you all
Dorothy Bourque / $10.00
Thank you for the wonderful work you do.
William Star / $50.00
Thank you, Starlight, for your amazing work with these kids.
Evelyne Orel / $100.00
Wishing each and every one joy in every little moment for the holidays, and beyond!
Lucy D / $10.00
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas
Bobby K / $10.00
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas
Anonymous / $10.00
Nick Darsaklis / $100.00
Peter Boileau / $50.00
Joanne Semenak / $50.00
Silvia De Castris / $20.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Michael Valiante / $20.00
I hope all the kids get what they need not only through the holidays but when they need it , thank you god bless
Anonymous / $200.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Melanie Langlois / $20.00
Julie Levinson / $20.00
Dominic Cavalluzzi / $50.00
Frederic Litwin / $20.00
Selina D’Alessandro / $20.00
Josephine Ditrapani / $50.00
God bless all the children. A heartfelt thank you to all those who make this event possible.
Tina Koufos / $10.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Sheri White / $100.00
Cynthia Gordon / $40.00
Happy holidays.
Kaliopi Hnaris / $50.00
Rosalba De Luca / $10.00
Wishing you all lots of health and happiness this holiday season! Wishing you all lots of health and joy in the new year!
Francis J. Ocampo-Diaz / $110.00
For the children and the families, Happy Holidays!
Richard South / $190.00
Gregory Legault / $250.00
Keep up the good work!
Steve Frost / $20.00
I wish us all Peace of Mind!!!
Anonymous / $100.00
Cathy Mays / $40.00
Dawn Culbert / $150.00
To this amazing organization and the extraordinary, wonderfully special children they help Brings tears to my eyes every year listening and reading the stories May 2025 bring many wishes come true
John & Jo-Ann Marcone / $100.00
Happy Holidays to all
Kathryn Stephens / $100.00
Thank you for your devotion to lighting up the lives of children and their families!
Anonymous / $50.00
Alison Gendron / $100.00
Anonymous / $250.00
Gerald Romanow / $40.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Harriet Pardo / $50.00
Keep up the great work.
Anonymous / $100.00
Valerie Corace / $20.00
For the kids and their families !
Anonymous / $10.00
Sharone Callender / $50.00
Keep up the great work, Starlight!
Ellen Dennick / $25.00
Richard Dennick / $25.00
Jennifer Lauder / $20.00
Dominic Taddeo / $100.00
Anonymous / $25.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Ian Miller / $20.00
Walter Trzcienski / $100.00
chris botsis / $10.00
Keep up the great work you are doing for this kids god bless you
Prime Properties Inc. / $500.00
We are proud to support a wonderful cause this holiday season, providing hope and healing to children in need and their families during their most difficult times.
Mark Bloomfield / $1,000.00
This is a great charity and you guys are doing the toughest job ! Thanks!
Anonymous / $100.00
Lisa Sarskas / $50.00
Happy to donate!
Cory Haynes / $100.00
Kevin Boulet / $20.00
Julie Bourbeau / $50.00
On behalf of David and I, may you and all the families you serve have the best Holidays.
Julie Brisebois / $50.00
Jason Vick / $10.00
Happy Holidays
Christina Bourque / $20.00
Julie Brady / $100.00
I wish it will help
Wendy John / $88.00
Best wishes of strength, positivity, and happiness.
Michelle Beaudette / $50.00
Great cause and hope you reach your goal .
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $40.00
Anonymous / $40.00
Melanie Doyle / $200.00
Mira Anidjar / $36.00
Blessings to all those beautiful children that are not well! May there be miracles and find cures for all your illnesses.
Wendy Grill / $360.00
Jens Schroeder / $20.00
Best wishes and health to all the children!
Allan Wiseman / $10.00
Anonymous / $25.00
Doreen Chevalier / $20.00
Sharon Nelson / $110.00
Best of the season to all !
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $200.00
Ian Kernohan / $100.00
JANET RYAN / $150.00
Monty Wener / $36.00
Matt Hill / $100.00
Anonymous / $36.00
Anonymous / $200.00
Howard Gips / $40.00
For the children
massimo de pastena / $20.00
Lori-Lynn Lavallee / $40.00
Wishing such a worthy cause much success in its fundraising endeavors! Merry Christmas and blessings to all the wonderful children, their families and everyone who supports them!
Harley Tessler / $100.00
Best of the season to all
Peter Carter / $100.00
Beatrice Lewis / $36.00
Congratulations on all the wonderful work that you do! You really make a big difference in the lives of many children and their families
Diane Gavin / $20.00
great work on behalf of children
Scott O’Flaherty / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Raphaël David / $20.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $200.00
George Peterli / $100.00
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year. George Peterli and family
David Crandall / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Craig Vandewater / $20.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Joe Medeiros / $100.00
Carrie Greenwood / $25.00
Tracy Allan / $100.00
Sam Colalillo / $50.00
Brian & Terri Forrester / $120.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Suzanne & Paul Etheridge / $1,500.00
Josie De Filippid / $200.00
Keep up the great work
Kelly Ward / $20.00
Jill Bartlett / $300.00
Wishing all of the sick kids and their families comfort and hope during the holiday season and in the new year!
Haya Chetrit / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Dagmar Dietrich / $70.00
Howard Margolese / $100.00
Anonymous / $250.00
Jack Mcsorley / $50.00
Congratulations on all the great work you do for the most important people in our lives
Amanda Grenier / $20.00
Michael Johnston / $250.00
Bharati Patel / $105.00
Here's to a very worthy cause.
Thomas Brown / $250.00
dominic GALIPEAU / $20.00
Todd Haverstock / $20.00
Valerie Brown / $100.00
Shawn O'Donnell / $100.00
Patricia Reid / $100.00
Thanks a million for all you are doing for all these children - You all have a special place in heaven waiting for you !!
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Dianne Mansi / $100.00
Paul Le Sage / $40.00
Be brave and enjoy Christmas
Thomas Swatton / $100.00
Happy Holidays!!
Maria McAughey / $20.00
Merry Xmas to the children and hope that starlight will put smile on their faces.
Jackson River Lee / $18.00
Nicholas Jay Moriello / $18.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Antonio Lacroce / $50.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Selena Lobo / $50.00
I’m proud to support the Starlight Foundation, bringing joy and hope to kids in need. Every child deserves a little light in their life.
Viviane Cauden / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
John Mc Aughey / $50.00
Merry xmas to the children.
Donna Manduik / $50.00
Jorie Richman Rosenthal / $25.00
Hope you achieve your goal. All the best to the children and hope they enjoy the holidays .
Alison Short / $250.00
Please continue the great work you do for the children.
Anonymous / $30.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Brian Telford / $10.00
James Longlade / $100.00
congrats for the work you do
Francesco Barillaro / $30.00
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all especially the Families going through this difficult time during the Holidays. God Blesd
Karen Adams / $10.00
Paul Leschiutta / $100.00
Anonymous / $200.00
Boyko Kouchev / $80.00
Merry Christmas!
michael covens / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Maria Maiolo / $50.00
good luck to all the children
ilana delmar-greenberg / $40.00
Happy holidays!
Anonymous / $50.00
Raul Henriques / $100.00
Monica Beland / $50.00
Great work.
Michael Terry Quinn / $20.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Bich Ngoc Nguyen / $100.00
May all children in the world have good health!
Wayne Syvret / $50.00
Hoping everyone will have a Happy Holiday
Anonymous / $50.00
Danielle Boulay / $100.00
Merry Christmas
Earl Forman / $100.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Brenda O’Brien / $10.00
May these 12 days bring a smile to faces of these courageous Starlight families.
Anne-Marie Masse / $50.00
Be kind, always.
Marie Vegiard / $100.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Anonymous / $20.00
burt dalfen / $100.00
great work
Dianne Schofield Skoda / $20.00
Sending happy candy cane wishes for all the kids and their families who are suffering in hospitals today, and sending heartfelt thanks to Starlight.
Isabelle Lacelle / $50.00
george smith / $30.00
i like to make kids happy
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $150.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Deborah Marsellos / $50.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Katherine Sara / $100.00
Thank you for all that you do for the children and their families. Merry Christmas!
Anonymous / $100.00
Peter Bailey / $100.00
Thank you for all the amazing work you do !
Anonymous / $30.00
Lee Royko / $30.00
I am grateful for all the Starlight family does!
Robin Boyer / $10.00
Timothy Bouskill / $100.00
Wayne Clasper / $250.00
Chris Garner / $110.00
Many thanks for all that Starlight does. In memory of my former student Bryan, who Starlight supported in so many ways. In honour of my family. God bless.
Jacqueline Najar / $50.00
What a beautiful cause for well deserving children!
Colette Griffin / $30.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Susan Merrifield / $20.00
We were a starlight family for 18 years and now after Jonathan’s ‘graduation’; we continue to see the joy Starlight spreads to families that so need alittle light in their lives. Merry Christmas to those under Starlight’s banner; the clients and the helpers. We see you.
Anonymous / $20.00
Deborah Anderson / $100.00
Thank you for doing such wonderful things for these deserving families ❤️
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Anonymous / $40.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Eva Vogl / $50.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Donna Lach / $50.00
Anonymous / $100.00
John Ellis / $50.00
John Lee / $20.00
John Edmunds / $50.00
Wishing all the kids a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ❤️
Edith Legault / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Debbie Middleton / $50.00
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, and a better New Year.
Anonymous / $50.00
Martin Smith / $50.00
Carla Shaw / $50.00
May this gift be a blessing to the kids!
Erica Wilkinson / $10.00
Happy holidays ❤️
Leon Maliniak / $10.00
May GOD bless you for your good work
Kim Barry / $50.00
Merry Christmas to Everyone and here to a better New Year for all thanks
Anonymous / $50.00
Francis Beagan / $100.00
Gianni Marricco / $100.00
Happy holidays
Anonymous / $200.00
William Finkelstein / $100.00
Keep up the wonderful work you are doing for all the kids. May all their wishes for healing and health come true!!
Anonymous / $20.00
Edith St-Pierre Wallis / $100.00
Thank you for what you do… Leena’s story really hit home today as our amazingly brave and courageous 8 year old granddaughter was very recently diagnosed with stage 4 Wilms tumor. Our sweet little girl has been through so much this past month since her diagnosis already, from the removal of a kidney, to having pneumonia, then the firsts of many chemo and radiation treatments to come… and though all this, she still smiles, people like you help a lot … your support gives her strength and her family courage during this difficult time… thank you
Alex Mclean / $10.00
Charbel Roumi / $40.00
Merry Christmas and keep up the great work!
Elizabeth Canelho / $50.00
Keep up the fantastic work!
Luciana Lamberti / $30.00
Never give up hope!
Marla Benderoff / $100.00
Always amazing what you do!
Anonymous / $30.00
Milena Piacek / $50.00
Domenico Costantini / $100.00
Best of holidays .
chantal Tanguay / $10.00
Anthony Sarakinos / $200.00
Wishing everyone a successful campaign, excellent cause and great for kids
Caroline Barrett / $100.00
I am privileged to be able to support to a wonderful cause. If everyone would be able to donate what they can, what a difference we can make!
Howard Nozetz / $100.00
Happy Holidays To Everyone.
Gilles St-Onge / $50.00
Leslie Safrany / $100.00
Merry Christmas to everyone who make this so special!
Anonymous / $50.00
Damiano Minuto / $50.00
Anonymous / $250.00
Anonymous / $400.00
Michele Shepard / $10.00
Love the work you do!
Kathleen Murphy / $10.00
Kathleen Murphy / $10.00
Scott Stevens / $60.00
Merry Christmas to all of the Starlight family. Wishing you all the very best.
Tom Thompson / $20.00
larry fridman / $50.00
James Dolhy / $100.00
Silvana Zannini / $50.00
Ron Smith / $50.00
Keep up the good work!
Susan Cryans / $50.00
Susil Perera / $20.00
Love to all
Brent Dicks / $30.00
HoHoHo Make it a Merry Christmas
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $500.00
Grace Basso / $20.00
Harley Forman / $30.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Jocelyne Girard / $100.00
Costa Countouras / $20.00
Donald Assels / $50.00
Thank you to Starlight for touching the heart of so many deserving children and their families.
Anonymous / $50.00
Aaron Rand / $100.00
Few things feel better than being able to help someone else...
Lynn Delisle / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Chris Kinsella / $100.00
Thank you for everything you do for all these kids.Loved hearing about my mom(your former teacher) on the radio
mike carr / $50.00
Christiane Lamont / $200.00
May all the stars in the sky bless you.... Criss
Steven Holcman / $100.00
Joan Lowry / $70.00
Cheryl Begbie / $50.00
Susil Perera / $20.00
Our love to all the sick children
Susil Perera / $20.00
Love to help sick children
Jean suzanne Seymour / $100.00
JN Bolton / $100.00
Season Greetings to you all. Thank you ☆Starlight☆ for being an amazing foundation for such beautiful individuals.
Lennie Ryer / $5,000.00
Lillian Garcia / $20.00
Albert Kassab / $100.00
Daniel Fox / $20.00
Daniel Fox / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
wishing health and happiness to all of the children
Donna Ekins / $20.00
You amazing kids! Hope you have some memorable times with th starlight foundation!
Elizabeth Richards / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
ALLAN DERE / $100.00
Robert & Karen Orava / $100.00
Richard Gregory / $100.00
Anonymous / $120.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Jamie Kotlarczyk / $20.00
Adriana Di Marco / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Valerie Fortin / $50.00
Thank you for all that you do to bring joy to the kids.
Beverly Prince / $50.00
Jean & Janet Pelletier / $200.00
Glenn Day / $20.00
Great organization and especially great people that run it to make everything special for the kids. Happy holidays to all of you at Starlight.
Alex Zimmerman / $100.00
Nadia Likoray / $20.00
May the families, friends and children find peace and joy at this special time of the year. Stay strong.
Luigi Coluccio / $50.00
A child's smile is priceless, keep them shining Starlight!
Antonella Tamburro / $30.00
Lorne Grice / $100.00
Joan Dufresne / $10.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Fred Friedberg / $10.00
Wishing everyone a Safe Holiday season
Angela Malizi / $30.00
Debbie Wiardi-Beckman / $30.00
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to the little ones and their families. Keep the faith
Loretta Cianci / $50.00
Merry Chirstmas to the little guys!
Carmela Di Sarro / $30.00
Merry Christmas to all the little ones
Lois Grant / $100.00
Grant Brothers Boxing For Their Mom Lois
Anonymous / $20.00
Christopher Eldon / $1,000.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Daniel Gleeson / $1,000.00
Anonymous / $150.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Naomi Roberts / $324.00
seymour gurman / $100.00
for my mother Beatrice
Gerald Litwin / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Sheila Hayward / $50.00
Anonymous / $40.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
alice weir / $100.00
Wishing you all a blessed and happy Christmas
Sue Renwick-degraff / $100.00
The little ones always offer us hope amidst a growing world climate of uncertainty
Olliver Frost / $200.00
*Positive *Respectful *Appreciative *Youth For each we PRAY a child's stay Breathe a breath for life each day Dream your dream and make it long You’re still so young but oh so strong
Denis Castonguay / $100.00
Thanks for all you do!
Rebecca Glazer / $25.00
Anonymous / $54.00
Rhona Veisfeld and Andre Modugno / $50.00
Wishing all the children (& their families) a happy holiday.
Jarred Slimovitch / $10.00
Happy holidays!
Anonymous / $50.00
jennifer royea / $100.00
Alana Zahorak / $50.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Carmen Kosters / $100.00
In honour of my dad Fred Kosters and Thanks to the team at Starlight for all the amazing work they do to make a child’s life a little brighter. Wishing everyone a happy holiday season.
Lynn Walker / $30.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Natasha Panasiuk / $20.00
Happy Holidays!
Joan Wilson / $120.00
Courtney Nicastro / $10.00
Anonymous / $100.00
John Parent / $10.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Anita Belinsky / $100.00
Anonymous / $30.00
David Newton / $100.00
Anonymous / $60.00
Carolina Pansera / $150.00
Merry Christmas and a joyful and healthy new year to the children, their families and all the personnel at Starlight
Peter Lombardi / $250.00
Congratulations! Continue the great work!
Teresa August / $500.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Andrew Paquette / $200.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Bonnie Thanh / $150.00
Wishing all the children and their families a most wonderful and magical holiday season filled with smiles and laughter!!!
Carlos Melo / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Linda Dubeau / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Basil Goodridge / $100.00
Lyne Desforges / $250.00
Wishing all the children and their families dealing with serious illness, a very Merry Christmas!
Jean Massimetti / $100.00
Lori Neill / $50.00
Robert Reddick / $50.00
Blessings to all
Katherine Elman / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Joanne Trainor / $50.00
Blessings to Starlight for the great work they do supporting so many wonderful families and very brave children!
Steven Leveille / $50.00
Jeffrey Marti / $50.00
Tracy Derick / $50.00
Rosette SAVATOVSKY / $50.00
Our children are the future, in good health.
Helen Corrigan / $20.00
Thomas Gacki / $10.00
Jocelyne Kenny / $50.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $200.00
Anonymous / $100.00
ATPAC Transportation Inc McCuaig / $350.00
In recognition of your amazing work. HAPPY HOLIDAYS
Anonymous / $10.00
Rosario Scalia / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Adina Derrick / $100.00
A huge thank you to all donors on behalf of my son who is a starlight child, recently finishing a 2.5 years of chemotherapy!!
Phyllis Athanas / $75.00
Johnny Lapenna / $50.00
This is a great cause, continue the great work of bringing a smile on a child's face.
cynthia leslie / $10.00
Cathy Weeks / $100.00
Dana Newbergher / $20.00
Len Neirinck / $100.00
Anonymous / $25.00
Lynn Serre / $50.00
bruno therrien / $20.00
Emilio Rafeli / $100.00
Regine Bensimon / $50.00
Good luck and happy holidays!
Victoria Shaw / $20.00
Your doing wonderful work for wonderful families!
Jason Derocher / $150.00
Please keep up this amazing work!!
Catherine Henry / $20.00
Sara Quirke / $500.00
Leona Harari / $100.00
Paula Cordeau / $100.00
Robert Michaud / $100.00
Shirley nicoll / $10.00
Graziella Tomini Pensato / $100.00
Robert McMartin / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Lilian Sharko / $150.00
Thank you Starlight for everything you do! Happy Holidays!
Carl Zizek / $10.00
Merry Christmas to all the children and their Families.
Linda Harsca / $10.00
Merry Christmas to all the children and their Families. God Bless everyone.
Anonymous / $200.00
Josee Delli Colli / $100.00
Ronald Millette / $30.00
kathryn moss / $10.00
Gary OConnor / $20.00
Pedro Julian / $100.00
Mireille Mainville / $25.00
I was blessed to have healthy children, when I heard the adds on the radio, I could not skip over donating even though I donate to many other charities. A special thank you to all employes who work hard to let children by children.
Anonymous / $100.00
Ross Boulet / $20.00
Marla & David Applebaum / $136.00
Humbled by all your efforts and the amazing love and smiles you all bring to such amazing families.
Leslie Bouchard / $100.00
Thank you Starlight, keep up the great work !
Simonetta Giustini / $100.00
Merry Christmas to everyone !
Anonymous / $100.00
Elio Giulione / $100.00
Arpad Lehoczki / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Ann Alexander / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Barry & Rubeta Ralph / $50.00
William Star / $50.00
To the joy of all our children . Wishing them all great health in 2025 , Harriet and Bill Star
Francois St-Pierre / $20.00
Anonymous / $40.00
Sue & Darren Firestone / $100.00
keep doing amazing things
Janine Fronc / $50.00
Merry Christmas to the wonderful people at Starlight and the children and families who benefit from this incredible organization.
Arnold Bass / $50.00
Susan Howarth / $75.00
May you have less worries this year so that your hearts and souls are filled with joy and laughter ! Wishing you the warmth of a beautiful smile and a hug this holiday season ! Henri family
Anonymous / $20.00
Lauren Klingler / $30.00
Richard and Brenda Brisebois / $100.00
Wishing all of the children who have to spend the holidays in the hospital, and all their parents a very Merry Christmas and the very Best of this Holiday Season. Thanks to the many volunteers and donors who particiapte in this special event, many blessings upon them.
Michel Provençal / $250.00
David Pluta / $100.00
Ken Connors / $50.00
Always happy to support this wonderful, compassionate organization. Tip of the hat to Brian & the team!
Sam Ghilarducci / $50.00
Kateri O / $20.00
Anonymous / $25.00
Dorothy Ostrowicz / $100.00
Thank you for all that you do!
Jennifer Mulherin / $250.00
Congratulations to the Starlight Children's Foundation for your continual dedication and happy holidays to all the children and their families.
Alexandra Van Veeren / $20.00
Couldn't be happier to donate to this project!
Anonymous / $20.00
Sophia Marini / $50.00
Bless all the children.
Jack Kupfert / $100.00
Larry Miller / $50.00
Caroline Schmitt / $50.00
Thanks for the amazing work that you do to bring a smile to kids in need.
Carole Davies / $30.00
God bless all of our precious children - may their dreams and wishes come true.
Elizabeth Sebastian / $50.00
Claudia Ciampini / $100.00
Maria Costa / $100.00
Donating on behalf of our beautiful grandchildren. Zara,Kennedy and Grace Furtado. Ethan and Eliana Trivisonno. We’re blessed.
Franca Bretti / $400.00
Thank you for the work you do to make dreams come true for children and their families. Happy Holidays.
Erich Collar / $20.00
Let’s step up. We have so much and they need much.
Anonymous / $10.00
Gina Catino / $100.00
I love kids!
Anonymous / $100.00
Sheila Flood / $50.00
Wishing you the very best for the future. Merry Christmas
Yu Kwong Li / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Dorothy Stevenson / $50.00
Philip Magder / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
wayne Houlzet / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Carole Meyer Davies / $50.00
In memory of my beautiful, loving parents, Claudia and Karl ❤️❤️
Charlie Piche / $200.00
One of my favourite charities to donate to during the year and especially during the holidays I love hearing the joy in the Starlight kids voices on all the smiles you give them.
Anonymous / $100.00
EARL FLINT / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $125.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Anonymous / $70.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Jo-Ann Kevens / $50.00
I am happy to help sick children in any way possible. Just to bring some happiness.
Ian Cytrynbaum / $180.00
Best Wishes to all the Children and the Starlight Families
Giuseppe Biunno / $100.00
Mommy!!! We all love you!!!
Todd McKaig / $30.00
Pauline Patulli / $100.00
In memory of my son, Jason, who passed away from cancer at the age of 18.
Anonymous / $40.00
Anonymous / $40.00
Daniel Di Girolamo / $100.00
Margaret Cronin / $30.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Louise Guillotte / $200.00
Ian Mawhinney / $25.00
Lynne Dubois / $50.00
In memory of my mom who lived for her children. Merry Christmas to all
Barbara Vezina / $50.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Janice Adams / $100.00
Merry Christmas and a happy new year
Claire Nudel / $10.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Barbara Cosgrove / $20.00
Merry Christmas and God Bless all the children and their families
William Thornley / $20.00
lynne dubois / $10.00
Merry Christmas to all children
Dale McCall / $20.00
The 12 Days of Starlight is a wonderful way to raise funds to help children realize some of their dreams. Bravo to everyone who helps! Merry Christmas to all!
Anonymous / $30.00
Michael Walsh / $100.00
Let’s make the children happy
Anonymous / $30.00
Shelley Smith / $50.00
Jeff Bicher / $150.00
Cynthia Woods / $100.00
Lynn Muir / $30.00
The Sal Furino Family Foundation / $500.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $30.00
MICHAEL Wasserman / $50.00
Isabel Sousa / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Gordon Heller / $50.00
A very worthy cause
Anonymous / $100.00
Carole Maisonneuve / $100.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Roman Slowik / $100.00
Happy Holidays!!!
Anonymous / $20.00
Jeff C Erdan / $10.00
Happy Holidays to all!
Birgit Erdan-Klema / $10.00
Happy Holidays to all!
Anonymous / $50.00
mikael fournier / $10.00
Goodwill to All
Lorna Innes / $100.00
I donate to Starlight every year to help a child's wish come true... my wish is that we didn't need to.
Anonymous / $25.00
Congratulations on all you do to bring happiness and joy to these children and their families year-round.
Anonymous / $100.00
Bonnie Weisbord / $50.00
Starlight is an amazing foundation. Thank you.
Costas Scoufaras / $100.00
Lucy Gacki / $10.00
Merry Christmas!
Caroline Dupont / $50.00
For two beautiful angels celebrating Christmas together in heaven, Sandro & Tre ❤️❤️
Donald Morrison / $10.00
Donald Morrison / $10.00
George Priniotakis / $100.00
David Feher / $50.00
Laurie Meyer / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Judith Baron / $100.00
On behalf of my granddaughter, Libby.
Anonymous / $100.00
Shandyl Wiseberg / $108.00
For our grandchildren, nieces and nephews
ron Francis / $50.00
Wonderful cause/initiative
michael newton / $540.00
Jamie Dubois / $100.00
Heather Leckner / $54.00
Starlight- thank you for adding some light into these children’s lives.
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $100.00
raffaele Pampena / $100.00
kids are the most precious in our life
Giuseppe Asaro / $100.00
God bless all kids
Joanne Perrier / $51.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $40.00
Noelise Benoit-Lewis / $10.00
Any small will benefit the kids.
Allison Provost / $100.00
Anonymous / $150.00
Marcus Tabachnick / $50.00
Maria Wodzicky / $50.00
Wishing all the children a blessed Christmas. Get well soon LU all
Anonymous / $30.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Julie Szalai / $50.00
Merry Christmas to the Starlight team & all the families you support! Be merry and shine bright this holiday season!
Gerald Issenman / $360.00
Dragan Popov / $20.00
Elana Hersh / $50.00
Thankful and blessed to have 2 happy and healthy nephews!
judy litvack / $100.00
Thank you for your great work!
Wendy Cadorette DiTullio / $20.00
Laura St-Pierre / $100.00
Shelley Sarjeant / $100.00
I am very happy to be able to donate this amount. I truly hope it helps with your mission to help these children and their families experience something out of the ordinary for them and to have a fun and memorable experiences. God bless you for doing this!
Sharyn Robillard / $20.00
Murray & Rosalie McGee/Philip / $20.00
With the stars shining bright may this bring Health and Happiness to those in need Blessings from us to you
Barbara Lalonde / $30.00
Best wishes to all the children and their families at Starlight.
Renete Pinsky / $50.00
Keep up your great work
Danny Baum / $250.00
Richard Marsh / $100.00
James Trnkus / $30.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Terri Yelle / $100.00
Thank you for all the amazing work you do!
Anonymous / $40.00
Ariel Guberman / $30.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Julie Zryl / $100.00
Madeleine Davidson / $40.00
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Ronald Rideough / $100.00
Anonymous / $100.00
audrey concilio / $50.00
with love from me
Andrew Murphy / $30.00
Tracy Mercier / $20.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Frank Cortese / $20.00
All for a good cause ! God Bless!
Anonymous / $50.00
Henie Krishtalka / $10.00
All the best to everyone.
Fergus Keyes / $20.00
Anne Durling Bordeleau / $20.00
Richard ware / $50.00
Keep up the good work Starlight
Anonymous / $10.00
Anonymous / $10.00
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Keith Bodkin / $350.00
Let's keep those children smiling through the bad times because they are the greatest ❤
Arthur Himbeault / $250.00
Colleen Long / $200.00
David Topping / $250.00
Nathanael Empsall-Duke / $50.00
Hoping that my first Great Grandchild is born healthy in May 2025...
Faith & Harry Jakobovits / $50.00
Thank you for what you do.
Anonymous / $50.00
Cheryl Awada / $50.00
In memory of my young brother, Steven Zakaib, who passed away on May 9, 1962 at the Children's Hospital, one month before his 6th birthday. He is forever in my heart.
Linda Bracken / $50.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Allan Gilbert / $36.00
Happy Holidays to all, and all the best for the children.
Anonymous / $200.00
Brenda Cater / $50.00
Thank you for all you do for these kids.
Georgia Jesty / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $30.00
Norman Dore / $20.00
We are very happy to support this great organization.
Anonymous / $100.00
Wanda Dickson / $30.00
Bless everyone and especially all the children during this holiday period.
Magdaleine Sedemedes / $100.00
Susan Blanchet / $20.00
Thank you for all the wonderful work you do and the joy you bring to so many children.
Rosalia Felice / $30.00
Happiest of Holidays to the Starlight Team and to all Starlight families. Like every year, your stories touch me profoundly. The work of organizations like Starlight are a bright light in a seemingly dark world. Blessings to you all ❣️
Anonymous / $40.00
robert berardi / $100.00
Anonymous / $200.00
Veronica Holder / $20.00
Kevin Wong / $100.00
Merry Christmas
Anonymous / $20.00
Merry Christmas ! Keep up the great work
JOAN GOLBERG / $100.00
Karen Ruth Holder / $20.00
sheryl adler / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Bernhard Daller / $100.00
Emma Steven / $25.00
In loving memory of two dear friends, Tre and Sandro.
Anonymous / $50.00
Domna zervos / $20.00
Wishing everyone a Happy Healthy Joyful holiday season
Debby Carreiro / $100.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Colleen Kevins / $35.00
Merry Christmas!
Robin Grant / $50.00
Jason Crute / $100.00
Thank you for all you do for the community and merry Christmas to all
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $20.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Anonymous / $50.00
Joyce Schaaf / $20.00
God Bless your work!
Eric Perlman / $20.00
A second donation to this marvellous charity. Thank you thank you thank you.
Anonymous / $100.00
Anonymous / $25.00
Cheryl-Ann Baillie / $100.00
Sending Merry Christmas wishes to all children
chris hemens / $100.00
Donald Morrison / $10.00
Elizabeth Shearon / $50.00
HOPE helps us travel through h